[Linux] Linux Cheatsheet


Linux Cheatsheet

7zip (7zr, 7za) command

(base) user@device:~$ sudo apt install p7zip p7zip-full


(base) user@device:~$ 7zr a ZIPPED_FILENAME.7z FILENAME


(base) user@device:~$ 7zr x ZIPPED_FILENAME.7z

zip with password:

(base) user@device:~$ 7za a -pPASSWORD ZIPPED_FILENAME.7z FILENAME

unzip with password:

(base) user@device:~$ 7za x -pPASSWORD -y ZIPPED_FILENAME.7z

Find the physical memory available

(base) user@device:~$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

Delete user

check user:

(base) user@device:~$ ls -la /home |grep USERNAME

delete only user:

(base) user@device:~$ sudo userdel USERNAME

delete user with home directory:

(base) user@device:~$ sudo userdel -rf USERNAME

-r: delete all data including the home directory when deleting user
-f: force option

Clear bash history

How to clear bash history completely?

(base) user@device:~$ cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history

Other alternate way is to link ~/.bash_history to /dev/null

avoiding memory copy:

(base) user@device:~$ cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c && exit

Check Process

프로세스 확인하기

process list:

(base) user@device:~$ ps

# details
(base) user@device:~$ ps -f

# all
(base) user@device:~$ ps -e
(base) user@device:~$ ps -ef

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